ICIS 2016
Workshop on Service Science and Information Systems Research: Moving Forward to Make a Difference, Dublin, Ireland, 10th December 2016
Workshop Organizer
Service Science is an emerging research field that is highly relevant to IS scholars. Information systems enable the creation of many services (e.g. cloud based storage), while simultaneously representing the context in which many services are co-created (e.g. IT consulting). However, despite substantial efforts within the field, researchers and practitioners still suffer from a lack of theory-based knowledge for engineering and managing services, and to leverage IS for service innovation. At the same time, service, a concept that can be considered the foundation of all economic exchange (e.g. Vargo and Lusch, 2004), now challenges previously established concepts in the IS discipline, such as the separation between corporate IS and consumer IS, or internal IS and external services. Service-focused research in IS needs to create and refine concepts, models, methods, and systems to reflect these developments.