FOKUS:SE - Researcher Network Service Engineering

Services are highly relevant to the economy and the society. The market success and quality of services depend on their concept and design. Different German research institutions are doing theoretical and practical research on service engineering

The goal of the research network „FOKUS:SE“ is to connect those researchers. The research network offers therefore a wide range of advantages and possibilities for the participating researchers and practitioners:

  • FOKUS:SE facilitates the exchange and coordination of research activities - mainly for junior scientists (Ph.D. candidates, Post-Docs and junior professors).
  • FOKUS:SE aims for the connection and further development of existing research activities in service engineering and the reinforcement of the scientific community.
  • FOKUS:SE brings together its members and national and international business experts in meetings twice a year.

ERCIS members Sebastian Bräuer, Daniel Beverungen, Friedrich Chasin, Jan Betzing, and Martin Matzner have joined the Research Network on Service Engineering (FOKUS:SE) that is sponsored by the German Research Foundation (DFG).

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